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Do I need to do this? Yes, unless you have already installed Zoom on your chosen device.

How long will it take? Allow ~20 mins per device.

When should I do this? Once per device, in good time before your event.

In this section...

1.1 Pick Your Device

We recommend a computer for the best experience. Most laptops nowadays come with in-built microphone and web cam. However, Desktop PCs are unlikely to come with either, and you might need to buy these pieces of hardware separately. For computers, scroll to step Step 1.2A.

For more technical information about which computers, operating systems, and web browsers are compatible with Zoom, click here (optional).

You can also use a tablet or smartphone. The setup on mobile devices is a little bit simpler, but you might find the small screen size disappointing, especially for events with lots of guests or with presentations. For tablets and smartphones, scroll to Step 1.2B.

For more technical information about which tablets, smart phones, and web browsers are compatible with Zoom, click here (optional).

1.2 Installation & Setup

Time to prepare you chosen device for Zoom. Do Step 1.2A OR 1.2B. Unless you want to setup on multiple devices, there's no need to do both.

1.2A Install Zoom On Your Computer

To use Zoom on your computer, you'll need to download and install some software.

Caption: downloading and installing Zoom on a computer.

Caption: downloading and installing Zoom on a computer.

What are cookies? [5 min video]

NB. Whilst clicking the Sign-in button will take you through creating a Zoom account, there is NO NEED to have one to join Zoom meetings.